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Cultivate Gratitude Via Yoga
Countless studies support the health benefits of cultivating gratitude. According to a March 2023 UCLA Health article, cultivating gratitude can help with depression, anxiety, and stress; it can also improve sleep and support heart health.
Frannie James Chair Yoga for Every Body Patreon Channel
I became a yoga teacher (200RYT) in 2021 to share the benefits of accessible slow mindful yoga with others. I believe yoga is for every BODY – you need not to “flexible enough” or “strong enough” or “meditative enough” – every BODY is ENOUGH!
The Transformative Power of a Consistent Yoga Practice – in a Chair or on a Mat
My first yoga class was a random one at the gym of the university where I was working in my mid-30s. And, I have a vague memory of using a borrowed VCR yoga tape with some consistency for a few weeks not long after that.
Chair Yoga Breathwork to Improve Health and Well-being
Slow mindful chair yoga (or mat yoga) is all about focusing on connecting movement and breath as a means of quieting the chatter of the mind. You’d have thought that by the time
Cultivate Contentment in Your Yoga Practice
When I was a child, I would hear older adults say “the grass is always greener on the other side.” As a young adult, I would find myself saying “I’ll be happy when / if….” In my early 40s, I found myself diving into various philosophies and religions seeking
No Pain, No Gain? Why This Mantra Doesn’t Belong in Yoga
When looking for an image to use with this blog post, I found a No Pain No Pain t-shirt. And, then I read the sales description of the shirt: “A cute and cool saying on a tee when you are lazy and do not work hard and tell yourself that at least you will feel no pain.”
Financially Accesible Yoga
There’s a lot of buzz around “accessible yoga” these days. Which is a very good thing. Because the yoga “industry” has a lot of exclusivity and affordability issues. Yoga is NOT exclusively for young thin white women who can do things like put their legs behind their heads.
The Many Benefits of Chair Yoga
If you’ve been thinking yoga isn’t for you because of decreased mobility issues, consider that adding a chair to a yoga practice makes it possible to experience the benefits of yoga while still being kind and gentle to your body.